Biennial and perennial flower seeds
Miesięcznica fioletowo-biała Lunaria annua
Biennial and perennial flower seeds
Mieszanka bylin
Biennial and perennial flower seeds
Mieszanka dla pszczół
Biennial and perennial flower seeds
Mieszanka kwiatów łąkowych
Biennial and perennial flower seeds
Mieszanka kwiatów wabiących motyle
Biennial and perennial flower seeds
Mikołajek niebieski Eryngium alpinum
Biennial and perennial flower seeds
Mydlnica różowoczerwona Saponaria ocymoides
Biennial and perennial flower seeds
Nachyłek wielkokwiatowy złotożółty Coreopsis grandifl.
Biennial and perennial flower seeds
Naparstnica purpurowa (dwuletnia) mieszanka Digitalis purpurea excelsior
Biennial and perennial flower seeds
Niezapominajka biała Myosotis sylvatica
Biennial and perennial flower seeds
Niezapominajka niebieska Myosotis sylvatica
Biennial and perennial flower seeds
Niezapominajka różowa Myosotis sylvatica
Biennial and perennial flower seeds
This group includes biennial flowers and perennials whose life cycle lasts longer than two years.Plants in this group are strongly differentiated in terms of size, habit and color of flowers and leaves, as well as the time of flowering. Thanks to their diversity, they are widely used in the garden. Many of them are perfect for growing in beds, rockeries, for creating hedges and for cut flowers.