Herb seeds
Mięta Mentha piperita
Herb seeds
Nagietek lekarski Calendula officinalis
Herb seeds
Ogórecznik lekarski Borago officinalis
Herb seeds
Oregano greckie Origanum heracleoticum
Herb seeds
Oregano/Lebiodka pospolita Origanum vulgare
Herb seeds
Rozmaryn Rosmarinus officinalis
Herb seeds
Rumianek pospolity Matricaria chamomilla
Herb seeds
Ruta zwyczajna Ruta graveolens
Herb seeds
Stewia (Miodowy liść) 10z Stevia rebaudiana
Herb seeds
Szałwia lekarska Salvia officinalis
Herb seeds
Trawa cytrynowa Cymbopogon citratus
Herb seeds
Tymianek właściwy Thymus vulgaris
Herb seeds
Our vast assortment contains also a lot of herb seeds. These plants positively influence our metabolism and their properties have been known since ancient times. According to historical records, herbs were used in ancient Egypt and ancient Greece. This vast group of plants consists mostly of biennials and annual plants, and to a smaller extent, perennials. Herbs are used in medicine, aromatherapy and herbalism and, of course, as a seasoning.