Vegetable seeds
Onion Wolska
Vegetable seeds
Owies wielkanocny “na zielono”
Vegetable seeds
Parsnip Półdługi Biały
Vegetable seeds
Pattypan squash Disco
Vegetable seeds
Pattypan squash Gagat
Vegetable seeds
Pattypan squash Patisson orange
Vegetable seeds
Pietruszka korzeniowa Halblange – Berlińska TOR NANO-GRO
Vegetable seeds
Pietruszka korzeniowa Halblange – Berlińska TOR OTOCZKA
Vegetable seeds
Pietruszka korzeniowa Halblange – Berlińska TOR TAŚMA
Vegetable seeds
Pietruszka korzeniowa Ołomuńcka TAŚMA
Vegetable seeds
Pomidor grunt.(karł.wiotkołod.) Malinowy Rodeo NANO-GRO
Vegetable seeds
Pomidor wysoki (pod osłony i do gruntu) Jantar NANO-GRO
Vegetable seeds
TORSEED S.A. has in its assortment seeds of several dozen species of vegetables in a wide range of varieties. Among the species, we find varieties intended for cultivation in the field as well as typical greenhouse varieties.