Beetroot Napoleon
One of the best specified commercial beetroot varieties in the Polish market.
The early variety with a shapely root of medium size; the root does not overgrow or elongate; the skin is smooth without suberisations in the upper part; the root of a perfect, very dark cherry hue, without a tendency to excess growth in thickness, lignification or development of fibres; rings may be very delicately marked, but without an influence on the root quality and overall hue; the root ending the storage root is thin and short; the leaves are scarce, short, healthy, with a strong base. A valuable variety giving a yield of high quality. Intended use: fresh market, processing.
Note: to achieve yield of high quality it has to be harvested early; when harvested roots are to be stored, the plants should be sown late.
Sow into the ground
30-45x6-10 cm
Plant spacing