Sweet pepper California Wonder

Sweet pepper California Wonder

The pepper belongs to the Solanaceae family and is a thermophilic plant. A medium-early variety, sweet, coloured red, cultivated mainly under covers. It forms fruit of a weight of up to 150 to 190 g with thick and tasty flesh. It reaches 60–100 cm in height and requires supports. The sweet bell pepper is a valuable vegetable of a wide range of applications, apart from culinary values, it has a high nutritional value. It is recommended by dieticians due to it very high content of simple sugars, fibre, proteins, and minerals.

CN code: 1209 91 80
EAN code:
Cultivation information
  • Piktogram: Wysiew do inspektu (pod osłony) 1/2 III - 1/21 IV

    Sowing in a hotbed (greenhouse)

  • Piktogram: Przesadzanie na miejsce stałe 1/2 V - p.VI

    Transplanting to a permanent place

  • Piktogram: Rozstawa roślin na miejscu stałym 40-50 x 30-40 cm

    Plant spacing

  • Piktogram: Owocowanie VIII - IX


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