

A valuable perennial plant with strong anti-cancer and cosmetic (shallowing wrinkles, removing skin discolouration) effects. It contains a wealth of vitamins, minerals, and other active substances. Its usable part are raw young plants and leaves, of a flavour resembling the rocket. When cultivated in pots, it requires very intense watering - can be cultivated on marshy grounds.  “The healthiest vegetable in the world”.

CN code: 1209 91 80
EAN code:
Cultivation information
  • Piktogram: Wysiew do inspektu (pod osłony) I - XII

    Sowing in a hotbed (greenhouse)

  • Piktogram: Wysiew do gruntu III -VI

    Sow into the ground

  • Piktogram: Owocowanie I -XII, IV-XI


  • Piktogram: Stanowisko - półcień

    Partial shade position

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